
Group 17

Belkyra is an injectable medication approved for the treatment and reduction of excess fat under the chin on the upper neck. It is the first medication for double chin of its kind that has been approved by Health Canada.

Quick Facts

30 min
Swelling & bruising
Sessions Required
Discomfort level

Additional Information

How does it work?

The active ingredient in Belkyra® is deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath your chin, Belkyra® causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.

Benefits of Treatment

  • Uses a naturally occurring molecule to break down fat

  • Health Canada approved to treat chin fat

  • Permanent results

  • No scalpels, sutures or stitches

  • Minimal downtime

  • Proven safe and effective

Am I a good candidate for Belkyra?

Almost everyone is a good candidate to receive Belkyra®’s safe, effective injection treatment. Generally speaking, Belkyra® may be an ideal solution for addressing your condition if:

  • You are unhappy with the appearance of a double chin;
  • Fullness under your chin persists despite good nutrition and exercise;
  • And/or you’d prefer a non-surgical treatment instead of a surgical procedure to eliminate your double chin.

Concerns/conditions addressed

The compound used in Belkyra, deoxycholic acid, occurs naturally in the body, allowing the body to absorb the treatment naturally.

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Group 22

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