Painless Hair Removal

Group 17

Are you tired of dealing with the pain of shaving, waxing, and plucking stubborn hairs, all for temporary results? Say goodbye to waxing and plucking, and hello to soft, smooth hair-free skin! Our painless laser hair removal is a non-surgical, non-invasive way of achieving permanent hair reduction for all skin types. 

Quick Facts

5-30 min
Sessions Required
Discomfort level

Additional Information

How does it work?

Our painless ClarityII laser hair removal treatment uses a laser beam that is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle. The absorbed laser energy coagulates the hair follicle and its surrounding area thereby destroying the hair and inhibiting further growth. 

All hair removal lasers work by targeting the pigment within the follicles, which means the darker your hair, the easier it will be to treat. However, Clarity has two wavelengths and a proprietary technology that can result in quicker and more effective treatments for all skin tones.

Benefits of Treatment:

  • Painless
  • Permanent hair removal
  • Quick and painless
  • No more shaving or waxing
  • Even works for fine hairs
  • Safe for darker skin
  • Short treatment time with IntelliTrak mode

Ideal treatment areas:

  • Legs
  • Underarms
  • Face
  • Back
  • Chest
  • Bikini line
  • And more!


How to prepare for my first session?

Usually the area to be treated should be shaved first to ensure a more comfortable and effective treatment but your physician or practitioner will provide you with detailed instructions prior to your series of treatments.

What to expect?

Most patients experience a mild “snapping” on the skin as the laser is moved over the treatment area. The Clarity II has a specialized skin cooling system that provides a more comfortable treatment.

How soon will I see results?

You may see some hair reduction from your first treatment. However, hair grows in cycles, which requires several treatments to effectively remove unwanted hair growth. 

How many sessions are recommended?

Most patients need at least five treatments, spaced 4-8 weeks apart, for optimal results.

Downtime and discomfort?

Depending on the size and area to be treated,
treatment could take anywhere from 5-30 minutes.

Regular daily activities may be continued immediately after your treatment session. 

Do it for you.

Book a consultation today by filling out our online form. You can also contact us by phone or email:

Group 22

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